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AEW Dynamite Results for July 21, 2021


Tonight’s Fyter Fest Night 2 was held live from the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, TX!

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

The 5 Labours of Jericho: Chapter 1!

“The Demo God” Chris Jericho (leader of Inner Circle) vs. “The Chairman” Shawn Spears (accompanied by Tully Blanchard)!

Per match stipulations, Spears can use a metal chair as a weapon, but Jericho can’t!

MJF (leader of The Pinnacle) joined the commentary team for this match.

Spears was brandishing the chair as the bell rang. Jericho moved in and chopped away at Spears, forcing Spears to drop the chair. Spears retaliated with chops of his own, but Jericho ran full force into Spears, knocking him outside the ring. Jericho sent Spears flying into the steel barricade.

MJF described the crowd as “idiotic” for cheering on Chris Jericho.

Spears found another chair under the ring and hurled it at Jericho’s head, like a ground-to-air missile! Jericho answered with a kick to the back of Spears’ head. Jericho climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Spears met him up there and suplexed it for a near fall. Spears swung the chair like a baseball bat and cracked Jericho in his injured arm!

Momentum shifted as Jericho jumped off the top with a double sledge! He climbed back to the top turnbuckle with Spears and sent Spears crashing with an avalanche hurracanrana! Somehow Spears snuck in a thrust kick, but Jericho kicked out before the three-count!

Spears went to the ringside area for another chair. Spears waffled Jericho across the spine with the chair! Spears lifted up the chair, ready to swing it down on Jericho but Jericho countered with the Walls of Jericho! Spears tapped out but ref Aubrey Edwards didn’t see it because Tully Blanchard distracted her. Sammy Guevara sprinted to ringside to even up the odds. Sammy chased Tully to the back! In the middle of the chaos, Spears nailed Jericho with the chair and followed up with the C4! Jericho kicked out again! Spears lifted up Jericho for another C4—this time with a steel chair—but Jericho slipped out of it and blasted Spears with the Judas Effect! Jericho pinned Spears after nearly taking his head off with his trademark back elbow!

MJF stood up from the broadcast table with a microphone: “Next week on DYNAMITE, Labour #2 will be a no disqualification match against the most sadistic, most twisted, most criminal human being to ever step foot inside the ring—Nick freaking Gage,” said MJF!

“The Elite Hunter” Frankie Kazarian vs. Doc Gallows (with Karl Anderson) of The Good Brothers!

Kazarian charged into Gallows with swift shots. He headed to the top rope for a dropkick right on the mark, sending Gallows back to the corner. Gallows countered with a big boot! Gallows shot Kazarian into the corner turnbuckle, and the intensity of the Irish whip sent Kazarian over the top rope and down to the arena floor! “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson was waiting outside with a stiff clothesline to Kaz!

Kazarian was throwing some big shots at Gallows and took him down after a shoulder tackle. He followed with a backdrop suplex and then a massive leg drop for a near fall on Gallows! Kaz was looking for the cross-face chicken wing, but Anderson got himself involved in the match. This Gallows enough time to hit Kazarian with a powerbomb and the pin!

The Good Brothers continued to assault Kaz after the match and pancaked him with the Magic Killer! AEW World Champion Kenny Omega and Don Callis came out to the ring.

“This is what happens when you mess with The Elite, when you mess with The Good Brothers, and when you mess with Kenny Omega,” said Don Callis.

“For months you’ve been a thorn in our side, Frankie. How the tables have turned because The Elite Hunter has become The Elite Hunted,” said Omega.

“Show them a sneak peek of what The Elite will do to the “Hangman” next week,” said Don Callis.

“Hangman” Adam Page’s music hit, and Page walked out to the ring with a drink in hand.

“I know you cowboys aren’t very bright and there’s four of us and only one of you. So are you that stupid or are you that drunk?” asked Don Callis.

Page began to swing haymakers at The Elite. The Dark Order ran out to help their partner “Hangman” Page. The Elite retreated from the ring!

“The Machine” Brian Cage was backstage with Dasha, who had a response for Team Taz and FTW Champion Ricky Starks.

“Next week in Charlotte we’ve got a celebration for the brand-new FTW Champion Ricky Starks. That works out. You know why? I love celebrations,” said Brian Cage, as he walked off smiling.

Wheeler Yuta (with Orange Cassidy) vs. Darby Allin (accompanied by Sting)!

“Somehow Darby is going to compete tonight after that brutal Coffin Match last week,” said Jim Ross.

Darby rolled Yuta up with a crucifix for a near fall. Darby Allin kept the pressure on Yuta, but Yuta propped up Darby and dropped his midsection across the ring ropes!

Darby climbed to the top rope, but Yuta pulled Darby’s legs out from beneath him. Yuta applied an octopus submission hold, but Darby bit the ropes to break the hold. Yuta bridged back with a German suplex for a two-count on Darby! Yuta climbed to the top rope and this time Darby swept out Yuta’s legs. Darby climbed up there and superplexed Yuta!

Sting and Orange Cassidy had a stare down outside the ring. They traded some “Orange-style” leg kicks! Meanwhile, Darby surprised Yuta with a stunner and followed up with the Coffin Drop for the pin!

“What a gutsy victory by Darby Allin coming off the Coffin Match last week,” said Excalibur.

The Blade snuck down to the ring and clocked Orange Cassidy with brass knuckles, catching him flush in the face!

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

AEW Women’s World Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. (with Rebel) vs. “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose (with Vickie Guerrero)!

“What shape is Baker in after being thrown through that table last week by Nyla Rose?” asked Schiavone.

Britt Baker kept Nyla Rose off her feet, working over her arm. Nyla got vertical and hit the turnbuckles with Baker on her back! Baker came back and rolled up Nyla for a near fall! Nyla hoisted up Baker for a press slam and then dropped her hard to the mat! Nyla followed up with a standing senton on the champ! Nyla climbed to the top rope, but Rebel pulled Britt Baker out of harm’s way!

Nyla Rose countered a discus punch from Baker with a back breaker!

“D.M.D. is getting rag dolled,” said Jim Ross.

Nyla Rose splashed Baker in the corner and tried for a cannonball, but Baker dodged it. Britt Baker followed up with a sling blade clothesline! Baker DDT’ed Nyla for a near fall! Britt turned her attention away from Nyla to put on her “surgical glove.” Nyla caught her from behind with a Death Valley Driver! Nyla draped Britt across the ropes. Nyla jumped from the turnbuckles and smacked down with a big knee. She covered Baker but Baker kicked out! Britt Baker fired back with two consecutive thrust kicks to Nyla! “The Native Beast” choke slammed Britt Baker but Baker countered with a crucifix bomb! Baker curb stomped Nyla twice!

“Nyla Rose has the heart of a champion, and she is showing it here tonight,” said Excalibur.

Nyla leveled Britt Baker with a forearm shiver! Nyla blasted Baker with a Beast Bomb! Nyla tried for a second Beast Bomb, but Baker rolled over and applied the Lock Jaw! Nyla had no choice but to tap!

Earlier in the day there was a press conference for the match between FTR and Santana and Ortiz.

“As men, I don’t have a lot of respect for you,” said Wheeler.

“While you two were playing patty cake elsewhere, Santana and I have been here since Day One, and you’re just a bump on the road on our quest for the tag championships,” replied Ortiz.

After a heated verbal exchange, the two teams had to be separated by AEW security. The action will have to wait until their match on DYNAMITE next week!

In the ring, Tony Schiavone interviewed “The Face of Latinos” Andrade El Idolo about the comments he made last week about Death Triangle—“The Bastard” PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo, and Rey Fenix!

“Before we start this interview, Andrade El Idolo has a surprise for everyone,” said El Idolo.

Andrade El Idolo’s assistant whispered to Tony Schiavone, and Schiavone looked shocked at the news.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the new executive consultant to Andrade El Idolo…Chavo Guerrero!” said Tony Schiavone.

“I hear that AEW is the place to be. When I walked backstage, I couldn’t believe all the talent back there. With all due respect to all of them, I don’t see anyone with as much talent as this man right here,” said Chavo.

Death Triangle’s music hit! PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo, and Rey Fenix stormed out on the ramp.

“For the record, let it be known that Death Triangle hides from no one,” said PAC.

“Look at me. I am an elite superstar,” said Andrade El Idolo.

“You guys are all talented, but your waists aren’t shiny enough, there are no championships there, and we want to change that. So start listening to Andrade El Idolo,” said Chavo Guerrero.

“Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix, now you work for Andrade El Idolo,” said El Idolo.

“We’re family,” said PAC, looking at Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo.

“We are the real face of the Latinos,” added Rey Fenix.

“Penta says why would we want to join a group with you when you’re not even on our level,” said Alex Abrahantes.

AEW referees ran down to the ring to separate Death Triangle and Andrade El Idolo before things escalated even more!

Backstage, Christian Cage was with Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy.

Christian Cage said next week on DYNAMITE they’d take on Angelico and Private Party and get even for what they did earlier to Marko Stunt!

Alex Marvez was backstage with QT Marshall and The Factory.

QT said next week he’d apologize in the ring to Tony Schiavone for dumping his protein shake on Schiavone’s head.

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy vs. The Blade (with The Bunny)!

Orange entered the ring from behind and took down Blade with a double leg. Cassidy went for the Orange Punch, but Blade hit the deck and rolled out of the ring for safety. The Blade played possum, pretending he had a leg injury. He waited just long enough to sucker punch Orange Cassidy. “Freshly Squeezed” fired back with the Stun Dog Millionaire!

The Blade and Orange Cassidy battled on the top turnbuckle. Blade blasted Orange with a gut wrench powerbomb onto the top turnbuckle!

Cassidy collected himself and hit Blade with a crossbody! The Bunny jumped up on the apron, but Kris Statlander ran down to neutralize The Bunny! Cassidy attempted the Beach Break on the outside but couldn’t get Blade up due to his injured back. Blade turned Cassidy inside-out with a clothesline and then a corkscrew tombstone for a (very) near fall on “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy!

Blade was looking for the Doctor Bomb, but Cassidy slipped out of it. Orange followed up with the Beach Break, but The Blade kicked out! The Bunny tossed the brass knuckles into the ring and The Blade put them on. It didn’t matter—Orange Cassidy overcame the odds and knocked The Blade into next week with the Orange Punch! Cassidy pinned Blade! Afterwards, Orange Cassidy put on the brass knuckles and used them on Blade for good measure!

Time for our main event!

The IWGP United States Title Was At Stake In A Texas Death Match!

IWGP United States Champion Jon Moxley vs. “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts)!

New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Hikuleo (a member of the Bullet Club) was scouting this match from ringside!

Moxley went straight for Lance Archer, swinging the kendo stick across his back! Archer countered with forearms and a big pounce! Archer nailed Mox with a cannonball senton on the outside of the ring! Moxley fought back with a shoulder tackle, sending Archer barreling through the ring barricade!

The two competitors brawled up the steps of the arena! Archer picked up a fan and slammed him onto Moxley!

Moxley attempted a tope suicida, but Jake Roberts alerted Archer to this. Archer clocked Mox, stopping him in his tracks. Archer pulled the protective mats off the floor to expose the concrete, but it backfired when Mox hit him with the Paradigm Shift! Moxley pulled out a fork and repeatedly stabbed “The MurderHawk Monster” in the forehead! Archer was busted wide open!

“Violence has been unleashed in our main event!” said Excalibur.

Moxley placed Archer’s ankle in a steel chair and then jumped down on it from the top rope! Moxley tried to hit Archer with the lid of a trash can, but Archer punched it back into Moxley’s face!

The crowd chanted “This is awesome!”

Moxley took down Archer with a release German suplex, but Archer popped right back up! Archer smashed a trash can on Moxley’s head! Archer set up two chairs. Archer had Moxley up for the Black Out, but Mox caught Archer with a low blow. Archer came back again and choke slammed Moxley onto the chairs! Archer was looking to end the match, but Moxley rallied back with a King Kong lariat and a Paradigm Shift! Archer sat up again, but this time Moxley met him with the fork to the forehead!

Moxley pulled out boards of barb wire from beneath the ring. Moxley set up the boards on top of two tables outside the ring! Archer found the fork and stabbed it into Moxley’s head over and over! Archer chokeslamed Moxley off the ring apron and down through the barb wire-wrapped tables! Moxley was entangled in the barb wire and couldn’t get up to beat the ref’s 10-count!

“What a bloodbath!” said Jim Ross.


New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Hikuleo got into the ring and had a stare down with new IWGP US Champ Lance Archer. Hikuleo will be facing Archer next week on DYNAMITE!

Be sure to tune in next Wednesday to DYNAMITE and Fight For The Fallen, live on TNT (8pm ET/7pm CT) from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC!


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